What online learning opportunities are being provided to students?
Noah Webster Schools is offering virtual face-to-face instruction and learning opportunities daily with students via video conferencing. In addition, we are providing online instructional practice opportunities through a variety of software programs, digital worksheets and other teacher-created lessons and materials (this may vary depending on the grade level).
What if my student cannot participate digitally or online?
If you are not able to access the digital resources and would like your students to participate in the learning opportunities, we will be providing printed packets of review materials weekly. Printed materials will be available in the front parent pick up area on Mondays.
Are the current learning opportunities being provided to students required? Is the work graded?
We believe that learning opportunities during this time are vital to students maintaining their learning, knowledge and habits they gained during the school year to continue their success. Students are encouraged to participate in at home learning if feasible for families; however, these activities are not required or graded. They also do not need to be submitted online or turned in physically.
Will my student move up to the next grade level for the 2020-2021 school year?
If your child was on track to be promoted prior to the school closure, they will continue moving forward and advance to the next grade level for the 2020-2021 school year.
Will I be refunded money I paid to Noah Webster for student field trips, breakfast and lunch payments and session 6 of after school programs?
Yes, we are currently working on processing refunds for field trips, March breakfast and lunch payments, session 6 of after school programs, etc. Please allow 30-45 business days for refunds to be processed. Refund checks will be sent via mail to the mailing address we have on file. Please note that if there is a past due before/after school care balance, this will be deducted from the above refunds prior to payment being mailed.
Will my student’s personal belonging be returned?
Yes, we are currently finalizing a plan to get student personal belongings returned to the students. Please keep in mind that we want to keep our staff and students safe and healthy; therefore, the items may not be returned until the Stay-at-Home order has been lifted. Once all of the logistics are in place, parents will be notified of the procedure.
Will there be yearbooks this year? How do I order?
Yes, there will be yearbooks for student purchase this year, online purchases ONLY. Yearbooks are $20.00. Once yearbooks are published, families will be notified via email of the procedures to pick up their yearbook. All orders are due by April 17, 2020 and all sales are final. To order, please go to commpe.pictavo.com. If you need assistance, please view the ordering details by clicking HERE.
Will there be alternate end of the year awards assemblies or graduations?
Yes, we are finalizing plans to allow our students and families to enjoy a few of our end of the year events, such as awards assemblies and graduations, in an innovative way. Once all of the logistics are in place, parents will be notified of the details regarding end of the year activities.