7º curso

Welcome to 7th Grade at Noah Webster Schools!

Noah Webster Schools is thrilled to announce the addition of 7th grade starting in the 2024-2025 school year, further enhancing our commitment to providing a high-quality education in a small, close-knit school community. With a strong academic focus on the core content areas, our 7th grade program is designed to inspire excellence, foster critical thinking, and prepare students for success in high school and beyond.

As part of our middle school offerings, students at Noah Webster Schools will embark on an educational experience designed to inspire curiosity, foster creativity, and develop critical thinking skills.  Our Mesa Campus offers middle school programming for 6th through 8th grade students, while our Pima Campus extends middle school programming from 5th through 8th grade.

At Noah Webster Schools, we believe that every student has the potential to achieve greatness, and we are dedicated to providing the support, resources, and guidance needed to help them reach their goals. From rigorous academics to a range of extracurricular activities/clubs, our comprehensive program empowers students to explore their passions, develop their talents, build lifelong friendships and become confident, compassionate leaders in our global community.

We are excited to welcome you to 7th grade at Noah Webster Schools, where the journey to success begins with a strong foundation, a supportive community, and endless possibilities for growth and discovery.

Daily Schedules

We are thrilled to announce the implementation of our new middle school scheduling at Noah Webster Schools. Designed to support the diverse needs of our students, this innovative scheduling model reflects our commitment to providing a comprehensive educational experience.

Our Mesa Campus offers middle school programming for 6th and 7th grade students, while our Pima Campus extends middle school programming from 5th through 7th grade.

Middle school students’ daily schedules will have six periods during the day as well as four 5-minute passing times and a lunch period.

  • Core Content Areas: Each core content area (reading, writing, math, science/social studies) will have 60-minute instructional periods, five days a week.
  • Electives: Each student will be assigned all electives during their 7th-grade year. These elective periods will be integrated into their schedules throughout the year, providing a diverse range of learning experiences.
  • Early Release: On early release days, the bell schedule will be modified to ensure core content areas receive instructional minutes.

7th Grade Curriculum

Our math curriculum, Reveal Math, is a comprehensive K–12 core program designed to unleash the mathematician within every student. Through engaging exploration, meaningful discourse, and tailored differentiation, Reveal Math empowers educators to nurture mathematical proficiency in learners of all levels. One of its key strengths lies in its vertical standards alignment, meticulously crafted to span from kindergarten through 6th grade, ensuring a seamless progression and guarding against learning gaps. By establishing strong foundations at each grade level, Reveal Math paves the way for continued success and growth, equipping students with the skills and confidence they need to excel in mathematics and beyond.

Our ELA curriculum, StudySync, is meticulously crafted to address the demanding academic requirements of contemporary classrooms. Whether utilized in print or online, StudySync is purposefully designed to captivate every student, ensuring equitable access and opportunities for all learners. Recognizing the diverse needs of today’s classrooms, StudySync is committed to providing inclusive educational experiences, regardless of students’ native language, learning level, or physical, social, and emotional abilities. With a focus on engagement and accessibility, StudySync empowers educators to foster a supportive and dynamic learning environment where every student can thrive and succeed in English Language Arts.

McGraw-Hill Social Studies provides students with a powerful platform to bridge the gap between history and contemporary society, fostering a deep understanding of the past and its relevance to the present. With a curriculum that embraces flexibility and choice, students are empowered to explore diverse perspectives and make meaningful connections across time periods. Regular content updates ensure that students engage with current events and evolving narratives, promoting a dynamic and relevant learning experience. Through inquiry-based learning and the examination of history through multiple lenses, students develop critical thinking skills and learn to engage in civil discourse, preparing them to become informed and future-ready citizens. McGraw-Hill Social Studies inspires a passion for learning and encourages students to actively participate in shaping the world around them.

Inspire Science places a strong emphasis on student engagement, recognizing that curiosity is the cornerstone of learning. Every module and lesson within the curriculum is thoughtfully crafted to harness students’ innate curiosity about the world around them by delving into real-world phenomena. Through hands-on investigations and inquiry-based learning, students are encouraged to explore, question, and discover scientific principles in action. Moreover, Inspire Science enhances student engagement through an innovative digital experience, leveraging technology to deepen understanding and foster interactive learning. By integrating STEM Career Connections and STEM Module Projects, students are provided with tangible connections to real-world applications, inspiring them to envision themselves as future scientists and engineers. With Inspire Science, students embark on a journey of exploration and discovery, igniting a passion for scientific inquiry that will resonate throughout their academic and professional careers.

At Noah Webster Schools, we understand the importance of a technologically balanced education, which is why our 7th grade students will have the ability to work with advanced technologies. Noah Webster Schools provides students and teachers with Smartboards, class set laptops, and document cameras. All core academic curriculum subjects incorporate digital components for both teachers and students. These digital components enhance both the learning and retention of new skills and information.

Exploring Electives

In 6th and 7th grade at Mesa, and 5th through 7th grade at Pima, students have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a diverse array of elective courses designed to foster both academic enrichment and personal growth. With a range of elective options, students can engage in courses that align with their individual interests and aspirations, preparing them for the transition to high school and beyond.

Teacher Led Electives:

During their 7th-grade school year, students will be assigned to all four electives, each spanning a nine-week period (one quarter). These teacher-led courses offer a blend of academic and practical content, providing students with a well-rounded educational experience.

  • Arts
  • STEM/Technology
  • Life Skills
  • Student Publishing

Specialist Led Electives:

In addition to teacher-led courses, students are assigned to two specialist-led electives during their 7th-grade year, each spanning an 18-week period (one semester). These specialized courses offer in-depth exploration and hands-on learning opportunities in specific areas.

  • Physical Education: Promoting physical fitness, skill development, and sportsmanship, students engage in a variety of activities, including individual and team sports, fitness training, and games, fostering a lifelong commitment to health and wellness.
  • Intro to Performing Arts – Music Education and Drama: This exploratory class offers students the chance to delve into the world of music and drama. With segments focusing on chorus and drama, students learn fundamental music theory, vocal techniques, stage basics, improvisation, and more, fostering creativity and self-expression.

7th Grade Supply List

Supply List will be coming Julio 2024



Destiny Quest


Sólo quería tomar un momento para decir lo mucho que apreciamos Noah Webster School. Nuestra hija está en la clase de Kindergarten de la Srta. Tice y ¡hablamos de una maestra increíble! Nunca podría haber esperado tener un maestro tan cálido, enérgico y compasivo para nuestra hija. Ella pone tanta energía y tiempo en cada día de aprendizaje, y mi hija literalmente llora si está enferma y no puede ir a la escuela. Esperamos con interés nuestra aventura escolar con Noah Webster. Todos ustedes son una bendición para nuestra familia.

Rebecca E.

El primer día de clase, mientras caminaba por el pasillo, estaba algo nerviosa porque era una escuela nueva. Pero cuando entré en clase, reconocí a algunas personas que ya conocía, y eso me hizo sentir un poco mejor.

He aprendido muchas cosas este año, como los números enteros, la antigua Grecia y los oxímoron. También he aprendido cosas que me ayudarán a ser mejor persona. He aprendido que el respeto es una de las cualidades más importantes que hay que tener en la vida. Mi profesora es maravillosa. Siente empatía (la mayor parte del tiempo) por nosotros. Sabe lo que es estar en diferentes tipos de situaciones, sabe cómo animar a alguien o hacer que se sienta arrepentido (cuando nos portamos mal). Entiende nuestros problemas y nos da consejos para resolverlos, ya sean problemas personales, de matemáticas o de lectura.

Este año hemos hecho muchas excursiones. Mi excursión favorita fue el Día del Agua en el campus de Mesa. Pudimos subirnos a diferentes toboganes de agua. Me divertí mucho deslizándome por el tobogán Rhino de 12 metros de altura y chocando los cinco con todo el mundo cuando llegué abajo.

Cada día ha sido un día diferente, lo cual disfruto. Siempre recordaré mi experiencia en 6º curso aquí en Noah Webster Schools.

Annika T.

Extracto de una carta de un alumno de 6º curso a su profesor de 6º:

"Sólo quería darle las gracias por esforzarse tanto conmigo y con mis compañeros de clase. Hace poco hice un examen de matemáticas para determinar si me colocaban o no en una clase avanzada de séptimo curso. Ayer mismo recibí los resultados, mi trabajo fue calificado de excepcional y ¡desean colocarme en una clase de álgebra de primer año en el instituto! Por supuesto no fui el único en hacerlo, pero sí uno de los pocos. Muchas gracias por todo, nunca seréis olvidados".

Brady W.

Nuestro hijo estaba en el jardín de infantes de este año y le encantó y me encantó el maestro y maestro asistente. Aprendió mucho durante el año escolar. Estoy muy contento de haber empezado en esta escuela. Para terminar este gran año escolar con un día de agua tan divertido que tanto disfrutó y habló de todo el día.

Catherine N.

He hecho tantos recuerdos este año y siempre los recordaré. El mejor recuerdo que tengo es simplemente venir a Noah Webster Schools; saber que realmente disfruto yendo a la escuela y no quejarme por la mañana. Tuvimos muchas excursiones y todas fueron increíbles. ¡Esta es la mejor escuela en la que he estado! He aprendido mucho más que en cualquier otra escuela.

Aquí todos los alumnos son amigos; no hay nadie que no se sienta acogido. Todos son amables y se tratan igual. Nadie es diferente. Los profesores son increíbles y sólo tengo que decir "gracias" a mi profesora porque me ha ayudado mucho y sé que seguirá haciéndolo.

Este año ha sido increíble y nunca lo olvidaré.

Chloe J.

Estoy muy impresionado con la mejora de mi hija con todos sus académicos y desafíos de diferentes tareas escolares. He visto una enorme diferencia en ella y la ha inspirado a amar la escuela. Muchas gracias.

Grace M.

A nuestra hija le encanta poder utilizar un portátil en clase. Estamos asombrados de lo rápido que aprende.

Shelly C.

Gracias al personal de Noah Webster por hacer que mi hijo se sienta tan cómodo. Empezar el colegio a mitad de curso nunca es fácil, pero este año ha salido de su caparazón.

Brandon C.

Mi hijo asiste a Noah Webster y le encanta la escuela. Siempre está muy emocionado cuando llega a casa y listo para compartir lo que ha aprendido cada día.

Sara M.