MESA Fall Picture Day
September 16, 2020
Attention Wildcat Families,
Fall Pictures are here! Please click on the flyer below regarding school portraits on Wednesday, September 16, 2020. (Please note, this is also an Early Dismissal Day.)
Noah Webster Schools will photograph on-campus students during their scheduled class time. We are excited to announce that students participating in Distance Learning also have an opportunity to have their picture taken for the school year. Distance Learning pictures will begin at 2:30 p.m. and will be divided by the student’s last name due to limited parking. During this time, students must be accompanied by an adult as the campus will be closed. Please enter through the west gate and head into the Multi-Purpose Room.
Please note: Retakes for Fall Pictures are not available. The scheduled Absentee Day is only for on-campus students who are absent on Fall Picture Day. September 16, 2020 is the only picture day for distance learning students.
We look forward to seeing all your beautiful smiles!