6th Grade

Welcome to 6th Grade at Noah Webster Schools!

6th grade year at Noah Webster Schools is a mentally stimulating and thrilling time for students. As they prepare for the transition into junior high, Noah Webster provides a departmentalized learning model.  Each 6th grade teacher teaches a core subject while the students rotate through the classrooms for each of the core academic subjects similar to a junior high/middle school.  As they enter their final year at Noah Webster Schools, they’ll find that they are now the wise 6th graders that younger students look up to.

Every year our 6th graders enjoy some time spent outside of the classroom as they go on field trips to continue the learning in a new and exciting location. All field trips will align with the curriculum and complement a specific subject, topic or course the students are learning at that time. While field trips often vary from year to year, some past 6th grade field trips have included trips to Renaissance Festival and even an overnight Science Camp trip!

Daily Schedules

We are thrilled to announce the implementation of our new middle school scheduling at Noah Webster Schools. Designed to support the diverse needs of our students, this innovative scheduling model reflects our commitment to providing a comprehensive educational experience.

Our Mesa Campus offers middle school programming for 6th and 7th grade students, while our Pima Campus extends middle school programming from 5th through 7th grade.

Middle school students’ daily schedules will have six periods during the day as well as four 5-minute passing times and a lunch period.

  • Core Content Areas: Each core content area (reading, writing, math, science/social studies) will have 60-minute instructional periods, five days a week.
  • Electives: Each student will be assigned all electives during their 7th-grade year. These elective periods will be integrated into their schedules throughout the year, providing a diverse range of learning experiences.
  • Early Release: On early release days, the bell schedule will be modified to ensure core content areas receive instructional minutes.

6th Grade Curriculum

When it comes to 6th grade math, we mean serious business.  Using Reveal Math, our comprehensive math curriculum from McGraw-Hill, students will develop a stronger number sense that goes beyond memorization, as well as gain procedural understanding. Critical skills will be improved as students utilize real world applications by studying the following and much more:

  • Real world problems with ratio and ratios using diagrams
  • Writing algebraic expressions to describe real life situations
  • Describe quantities in real-world situations using positive & negative numbers
  • Create & solve algebraic equations or inequalities from a word problem & justify answer
  • Data collection to answer statistical questions, describing & summarizing its distribution
  • Calculate surface area of a 3D solid by creating a net
  • Use theoretical probability to predict, compare, & replicate experimental outcomes

In 6th grade language arts, students will work towards growing an even better understanding of the English language by continuing to work on their reading, writing, grammar, spelling, and vocabulary skills through our comprehensive reading curriculum Wonders from McGraw-Hill.  Our ability to customize the curriculum will continue to challenge your child to ensure they are learning at their own pace and to the best of their ability.


While the specific works of literature may vary by teacher and by year, you can be sure that your child will be challenged with a variety of different literary material. Students will learn how to use reading strategies to comprehend text and narratives through literature books and other selective stories. Students will be taught and asked to identify:

  • Components of functional text
  • Common structural elements in literature from a variety of cultures
  • The theme in prose, poetry, and drama
  • Facts and details that support the author’s argument
  • Organizational structures of expository text
  • Characteristics and structural elements of poetry

Students will be able to describe the plot, components, author’s point of view, and motivations of major and minor characters in a story. Students will also be asked to use text evidence to draw conclusions, analyze how individuals, events, or ideas are introduced, illustrated and elaborated in a text and determine the meaning of figurative language in prose and poetry. After 6th grade, your child will be able to compare two texts in different forms and discuss the similar themes and topics between the two.


In 6th grade writing, students will be asked to write informative, persuasive and research essays, business letters, and persuasive letters. Students will complete literary responses in which they must write a summary of the book they read, along with reflections on connections, themes and personal experiences that relate to the book. Throughout these writings, effective and natural dialogue with proper use of quotation marks will be taught and expected of students. Teachers will instruct students to write narrative and imaginative pieces including:

  • Setting
  • Plot
  • Sensory details
  • Effective sentences
  • Logical sequencing
  • Response to text

During their 6th grade year, students will learn how to write poetry that uses several poetic elements including figurative language, rhythm, rhyme and stanzas. Our 6th graders will also learn to organize writing for an oral presentation, manuscript, and/or multimedia presentation!

The 6th grade social studies curriculum will cover World history, Ancient World history, the Roman Empire and Beyond the Renaissance. During this school year, students will practice note-taking, perform weekly tests and complete a robust research paper on a specific country

Your child will improve upon previously learned information to advance their skills with maps, diagrams and charts. Students will work with the scientific method, learn animal and plant biology, geology, chemistry and environmental science which includes Earth and outer space. Each year, students will participate in a science fair in which they will complete an individual experiment or invent something, following specific guidelines that relate to what they have learned in science class.

At Noah Webster Schools, we understand the importance of a technologically balanced education, which is why our 6th grade students will have the ability to work with advanced technologies. Noah Webster Schools provides students and teachers with Smartboards, class set laptops, document cameras, and Qwizdom remotes. All core academic curriculum subjects incorporate digital components for both teachers and students. These digital components enhance both the learning and retention of new skills and information.

Exploring Electives

In 6th and 7th grade at Mesa, and 5th through 7th grade at Pima, students have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a diverse array of elective courses designed to foster both academic enrichment and personal growth. With a range of elective options, students can engage in courses that align with their individual interests and aspirations, preparing them for the transition to high school and beyond.

Teacher Led Electives:

During their 6th-grade school year, students will be assigned to all four electives, each spanning a nine-week period (one quarter). These teacher-led courses offer a blend of academic and practical content, providing students with a well-rounded educational experience.

  • Arts
  • STEM/Technology
  • Life Skills
  • Student Publishing

Specialist Led Electives:

In addition to teacher-led courses, students are assigned to two specialist-led electives during their 6th-grade year, each spanning an 18-week period (one semester). These specialized courses offer in-depth exploration and hands-on learning opportunities in specific areas.

  • Physical Education: Promoting physical fitness, skill development, and sportsmanship, students engage in a variety of activities, including individual and team sports, fitness training, and games, fostering a lifelong commitment to health and wellness.
  • Intro to Performing Arts – Music Education and Drama: This exploratory class offers students the chance to delve into the world of music and drama. With segments focusing on chorus and drama, students learn fundamental music theory, vocal techniques, stage basics, improvisation, and more, fostering creativity and self-expression.

6th Grade Supply List

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! The sixth-grade teaching team would like to welcome you to sixth grade.  We look forward to meeting you at Open House prior to the first day of school.  At Open House you will be able to find out who your child’s teacher is and meet them. Open House is also a time when you can learn about other activities and services provided by the school such as transportation, food services, aftercare, and after school programs. Stay tuned for more information via email regarding Open House.

Below you will find the supply list for 6th grade. If your teacher needs additional items, they will inform you throughout the school year. In addition, prior to sending in any items not listed on the supply list, please check with your child’s teacher.

Please remember to label all of your student’s personal belongings (jacket, water bottle, backpack, and lunch box) with first and last name.  This will help locate them should items become misplaced.

If your child will not be attending Noah Webster Schools, please contact the front office at 480-291-6900 (Pima) or 480-986-2335 (Mesa).

2024-2025 SUPPLY LIST

  • Backpack
  • 3 three-ringed pencil pouches
  • 2 composition notebooks
  • 3 half (1/2) inch binders (Mesa Campus Only)
  • 1 pair of earbuds/headphones for laptops
  • 2 large packages of #2 wooden pencils (Ticonderoga brand preferred)
  • 1 package of pink erasers or pencil tip erasers
  • 1 set of colored pencils
  • 1 package of dry erase markers
  • 1 package of highlighters
  • 3 boxes of tissues
  • 3 rolls of paper towels
  • Boys: 2 packages of wide-ruled lined paper
  • Girls: 1 package of white copy paper
  • Parents are responsible for sending their child to school daily with a refillable water bottle
  • There is a one-time classroom supply fee that can be paid at Open House in the classroom (cash or check only):
    • KG – 4th Grades: $15.00
    • 5th – 7th Grades: $25.00


6th Grade Teaching Team
Noah Webster Schools


Destiny Quest

Upcoming Events

MESA Dads & Donuts

February 12 @ 7:00 am - 8:00 am

PIMA 1st & 2nd Gr. Musical

February 12 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

PIMA Dads & Donuts

February 13 @ 7:00 am - 8:00 am

MESA PK-3rd Gr. Pep Assembly

February 14 @ 8:30 am - 9:00 am


I just wanted to take a moment to say how much we appreciate Noah Webster School. Our daughter is in Miss Tice’s Kindergarten class and talk about one amazing teacher! I never could have expected to have such a warm, energetic and compassionate teacher for our daughter. She puts so much energy and time into each day of learning, and my daughter literally cries if she is sick and cannot go to school. We look forward to our school adventure with Noah Webster. You all are a blessing to our family.

Rebecca E.

An excerpt from a 6th grade alumni to his 6th grade teacher:

“I just wanted to thank you for pushing me and my classmates as hard as you did. I recently took a math test to determine whether or not I should be placed in an advanced seventh grade class. Just yesterday, the results were received, my work was dubbed exceptional and they wish to place me in a freshman algebra class in high school! Of course I wasn’t the only one to do so, but one of the few. Thank you so much for everything, you will never be forgotten.”

Brady W.

On the first day of school, while I was walking down the hall, I was kind of nervous because it was a new school. But when I walked in the classroom, I recognized some people I already knew, and that made me feel a bit better.

I have learned so many things this year, such as integers, Ancient Greece, and oxymorons. I have also learned things that will help me be a better person. I learned that respect is one of the most important qualities to have in life. My teacher is wonderful. She has empathy (most of the time) for us. She knows what it’s like to be in different kinds of situations, she knows how to cheer someone up, or make them feel regretful (when we misbehave). She understands our problems and gives us advice on how to solve them, whether it’s from personal problems to math or reading problems.

We went on a lot of field trips this year. My favorite one was the Water Day field trip at the Mesa Campus! We got to go on different water slides. I had so much fun sliding down the 40 foot tall Rhino slide and high-fiving everyone when I reached the bottom!

Everyday has been a different day, which I enjoy. I will always remember my experience in 6th grade here at Noah Webster Schools.

Annika T.

Our son was in Kindergarten this year and he loved it and loved the teacher & assistant teacher. He learned so much through the school year. I am very pleased to have started him at this school. To end this great school year with such a fun water day he so much enjoyed and talked about the whole day.

Catherine N.

I’ve made so many memories this year and I will always remember them. The best memory I have is just coming to Noah Webster Schools; knowing that I really enjoy going to school and not complaining about it in the morning. We had a lot of field trips and they were all amazing! This is the best school I’ve ever been too! I’ve learned so much more than at any other school.

The students here are all friends; there isn’t anyone who doesn’t feel welcomed. Everyone is nice to each other and treats each other the same. No one is different. The teachers are amazing and I just have to say “Thank You” to my teacher as she’s helped me out a lot and I know she will keep doing so.

This year was amazing and I will never forget it!

Chloe J.

I am very impressed with my daughter’s improvement with all her academics and challenges of different schoolwork. I’ve seen an enormous difference in her and it has inspired her to love school. Thank you!

Grace M.

My son attends Noah Webster and loves school. He’s always so excited when he gets home and ready to share what he’s learned each day.

Sara M.

Thank you to the staff at Noah Webster for making my child feel so comfortable. Starting school mid-year is never easy but he has really come out of his shell this year.

Brandon C.

Our daughter absolutely loves that she gets to use a laptop in class. We’re amazed at how quickly she is learning.

Shelly C.